Via Georgia

I have just returned from the hospital w Wes. He is supposed to get transfered tomorrow to a Rehab Unit! We don't know just where yet, but most likely he will have to stay in SLC at the U of U Rehab unit, since they already accepted him.
Tonight Wes felt like his neck brace was choking him, and he freaked out a lil and... pulled his neck brace off, which pulled out his breathing trachea as well. The Docs came in quick enough, and he is just fine.

I heard after Georgia posted this that Wes would not be transferred right away to rehab like we thought. He has some stuff going on in his lungs and they have put him on a couple of antibiotics to clear it up. hopefully he'll get over that soon! Georgia also mentioned that Wes doesn't really remember the Dr. telling him he won't walk again, but they want to keep it that way for a while, so that is just a little FYI for anyone thinking of visiting or sending cards and such. She also said anyone who wants to send a card or whatever can send it to Jess or herself because they go up and see him everyday.


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